Monday, October 20, 2008

Day 3

On the third day I toured the East African Rift Valley. The East African Rift Valley have yielded many of the early fossil material which our theories of the early stages of human evolution are based on. Rifts like the African Rift Valley form in the earth's crust along spreading centers, where two plates slide apart, and rising magma hardens into new crust. Africa's Great Rift Valley is a 6,000-mile crack in the ground. The Rift Valley has alot of lakes and wildlife reserves. The Huge Lake Victoria resides mostly in Tanzania, the smaller and shallow freshwater as well as the water lakes attract the tourists to Kenya. This was a great place to visit and learn about its history and differnt textures.

1 comment:

Ryan and Amy said...

Are you sure this picture matches the Valley? To me, it looks like a volcano. If it is, you might explain that.